Every Blog Post Is A Small Business
Writing content is not an end unto itself.
Whether you’re trying to attract new clients, businesses, or employees: custom-tailored content can help you achieve these goals.
users you want to reach
keywords you can rank for
search traffic
correct search intent
long-form quality content
Why Long-Form Blog Posts Win?
Based on billions of searches, Google concluded that users’ search intent is more likely satisfied with long-form content (1000+ words).
And now Google is more likely to rank higher the content that is longer.
Of course, the quality and the value must be there. But all things being equal long-form content wins.
Industry Outsider’s Content Hurts Your Brand
I recently read an article about the top 6 languages to learn this year.
This article failed to mention JavaScript, which runs in every browser and every app that you use every day.
After reading this blog post, I had to conclude:
it wasn’t written by a developer
(not even a junior)
it wasn’t reviewed by any developer in the company
missing a crucial and obvious piece of information damages the site’s trustworthiness
Developers looking for a job there would probably see this as a red flag.
Don’t let this happen to you.