How To Create Dynamic Calendar In HTML

TL;DR Summary – How To Create Dynamic Calendar In HTML

If you want to create a dynamic calendar in HTML that is very easy actually.

A calendar is actually just a special type of input field with type=”date” attribute.

Below is the full code to the calendar:

  body { background-color: green; }
  input { margin: 0 100px; }

<input type="date" />

In short that is it.

More Details

You might also want to set a default date and you can do that by setting input attribute value with a date string with format YYYY-MM-DD

Here is the example:

  body { background-color: green; }
  input { margin: 0 100px; }

<input type="date" value="2021-09-02" />

And speaking of dynamic behavior, you might want to be interested in articles about JavaScript img onclick and getElementsByClassName innerHTML.

Until next time,
Senior Developer Content Writer