Services & Rates
I am not “just writing content.”
Actually, writing the content is only half of the entire process.
The real work is in pairing:
- the subject you wish to cover
- with keywords that you can rank for
- that have enough search volume
- and only the ones with proper search intent
- so that your visitors are your target audience
- who will take your desired call to action
And only then the content is written that can accomplish all the things mentioned above.
Long-form blog posts
1000 – 4000 words
$500 – $2,000
Why Long-Form Blog Posts Are The Best?
In a world with short attention spans, it may seem counter-intuitive to create long-form content.
But here are some reasons you might want to do that.
It is not “because Google said so”.
In fact, it’s the other way around.
Google is tracking the behavior of the users, and they engage more with long-form content.
Credibility & Info
Long-form blog posts are usually much better researched.
Because of this, they give credibility and confidence to the reader that the information is of high quality.
Not everyone reads an entire article, and many people just skim the article.
And since most people have more than one question related to a topic, they are more likely to find it in a long-form article.
And they will accomplish multiple goals, or find several answers, in a single place.
People like this more than having to do a separate search for every question they have.
And since people like it, then Google likes it as well.
More Keywords
Your blog post is not necessarily showing on search results just for a single keyword.
There can be many.
And the more in-depth a subject is covered, the more opportunities there are to rank for multiple keywords.
More keywords mean more traffic and potential visitors to your website.
You Stand Out
Everyone can type up a couple hundred words articles.
But relatively few people will go through the trouble of getting deep into the subject.
So if people prefer long-form content (and Google as well), you immediately have fewer competitors.
And there is always less competition when doing things that are more difficult.
How To Get Results?
Fill out the contact form, and let’s get in touch so I can provide you with some quality content.